How to create reactjs app

This is post about how to create your first reactjs application . You can follow reactjs tutorial step by step on this link reactjs tutorial for beginners For install and use ReactJS, We need two things: Node.js and NPM. So firstly install Node.js and npm in your system.You can see StringUtilsexample in java .

Node.js is a Javascript run-time environment that allow us to execute Javascript code like if we were working on a server. NPM is a package manager for Javascript, that is, NPM allows us to install Javascript libraries.

After Install Node.js and NPM , you should follow these below steps :

  1. First, install the global package.

npm install create-react-app -g

  1. Create a new project called demo-app:


create-react-app demo-app

  1. Run the project

cd demo-app

npm start

for production use : npm run build

  1. Now open browser with localhost:3000

    How to create ReactJS components